Saturday, March 7, 2009

If I were an Angel

If I were an angel, I would be your protector. I would stay with you forever. I would never ever let anyone hurt you. I would strengthen my wings. I would give you everything. I would always make sure that no one could ever make you cry. I would give you the laughter you’ve always wanted. I would give you the love that no one could ever give you. I would give you the comfort you’ve always wished for .I would catch your fallen dreams and rebuilt it with joy in your heart. I wish I were the angel of your life.

I wish I were the angel of your life so I could be the only one in your heart. I knew it could never happen that is why I just only wish I were an angel. For the past few years, I always see you crying that is why I wish I were an angel. I wish I were an angel so that I could take off the sadness in your eyes. The sadness I always see, the sadness that also makes me weak. I never intended to be an angel in your life, but just let me be an angel in the sky. An angel who would never insist to be part of your life, but, just an angel that could always protect you and be at your side.

f I were an angel, I would give you the light in your darkest night. A light that would lead you to the right path, a light that would give you new hope to start. I would give you the courage to start again. I would give you the strength to continue life. I would heal your broken heart even though it is not for me. I would put back the broken pieces of your life even though I would never be part of it.

If I were an angel, I would be the happiest person in the universe. An angel that would never be the love of your life, but an angel who would always be part of your life. I would never wait for a return, but I would be the luckiest person in your life because you let me to be an angel in the sky.

Garcia, Geraldine Grace G.
IV- Platinum

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Changes (Poem)


As each day approaches, changes always occur
Every now and then my life seems to be a blur
I make mistakes that to others seem to be unforgivable
My friends are avoiding me and my happiness seems to tumble


Don't say things like that, you're wrong!
Someday, someone who can accept you will come along
(S)He'll show you how to face mistakes for a better change
So that you'll have a circle of friends with a wider range

If people around you can't accept you for who you are
and it seems that happiness is a far away star
Look inside yourself and somehow you will find
That bad attitude is the one that makes you fall behind


There are times that I reminisce about my past
About my family that did not last
From then I thought my life would come to an end
The notes of changes doesn't seem to make a good blend


Acceptance and Love is all you needed
To free your heart and mind from hatred
Belonging to a broken family is never a curse
Make the best choice and don't make your problem worse

Change is a part of our journey
Every little thing we experience has its own symphony
There are times that it's so confusing
and even in our dreams it's mind boggling

Life is like a book with lots of pages in it
There are tragic parts that make you want to quit
But we should continue reading and flipping those pages
And learn to accept and act according to the changes

Belita, Aubrey Rose R.
Bonono, Karla Mae B.
Brimon, Mae Ellen M.
Castro, Jessamine V.
Cruz, Maria Ana Pauline M.
Bernardo, Joseph Angelo I.
(Group 10)

(Lewsy) Parody of Jenny

All girls are pretty
No one is ugly
For him it's easy
To call them sweety

What's your problem?

He needs assistance
He needs it badly
He has bad ambience
and now he's lonely

Has a problem

He wants to commit suicide
Everytime the girls deny

Now he wants them all
They won't seem to fall
Though he is playing cool
They treat him like a fool
Rejecting him, funny
They got you off your seat

They're fooling you
He keeps insisting
Though he is busted
He ends up crying
His friends keep laughing

Has a problem

He tried to be a handsome guy
Though everyone knows it's just a lie


Casipi, Jesse Anthony D.
Castro, Jessamine V.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Its been a long and tiring journey
But it finally come to end
Bringing myself back again
And going back into what's right
Into the sunrise of my future
When my heart and soul are bright
There's nothing like my pure love, when I catch a glimpse of you.
My hopes arise when I'm with you, I'm with you,
My miracle.

If you will be beside me
I'll be happy and alive
And if you could feel the love you need to see
You and I,this would be real,
That you're my everything.

Being here beside you
Feels like I'm okay again
Everywords are for you
Every heartbeat adores you
My hopes arise just at the sight of you,
My miracle.

Cruz, Maria Ana Pauline M.
Dalluay, Vina Lynn

Saturday, January 10, 2009

parody of I'M YOUR ANGEL

You can overcome anything in life
And you just need to have strong hope and faith
Nothing can stop you in everything you do
Everything you should do is to believe in pray'rs

Then you can gaze at the shining sun
Everyday in your life be the brightest one
And if you're afraid, I'll be with you
I will make you see

I'll be the sunshine in your life
I'll be forever by your side
I'll listen to everything you say
You're my everything
When you lose all your hope, I'm here
I don't the distance, far or near
I don't care no matter what they say
You're my everything
My everything

Tears ran down from your face, from those lovely eyes
Look fro things and find them, clear up your mind
You feel solitude
And all is not enough
It should'nt be that way
Let me love you like yesterday

Then you can gaze at the shining sun
Everyday in your life be the brightest one
And if your afraid, i'll be with you
I will make you see
I'll be the sunshine in your life
I'll be forever by your side
I'll listen to everything you say
You're my everything
When you lose all your hope, I'm here
I don't mind the distance, far or near
I don't care no matter what they say
You're my everything
My everything

Dongon, Julie Marie
Encinares, Pamela Anne Marie

Friday, January 9, 2009


Embellish the World

by: Fajilago, Jaycel Chris

Feel the field of childhood memories

Tour the world by creeping

Neglecting the clatter life based fro ignorance

As the days and nights go on, as you take the cruel path

Sinister confession in life expands continuously like noxious

Tumult that mar your innocent wind

Don’t force yourself to think about the morbid things

It will just turn you in vain

Inure your body soul to defeat the noxious confusion

Opine that you are just testing charade

For the progress that you aim

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Escaping from the Pod (free verse)

Escaping from the Pod
(by: Karla Mae Bonono)

Right now,I'm all by myself
Walking along the crossroads of life
Reminiscing all the things that passed
Struggling from the things I keep inside
All through my life I've been in the dark
I have always hid my face and feelings inside
Doubtful of what I could reach
A secret me I forced to hide
I pretend to be someone else who I'm really not
When can I show them the real me?
When would I come out of my shell?
When couldn't I be afraid to face the world?
Hoping that someday I could reveal
Those those things that I keep bottled up within