Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Changes (Poem)


As each day approaches, changes always occur
Every now and then my life seems to be a blur
I make mistakes that to others seem to be unforgivable
My friends are avoiding me and my happiness seems to tumble


Don't say things like that, you're wrong!
Someday, someone who can accept you will come along
(S)He'll show you how to face mistakes for a better change
So that you'll have a circle of friends with a wider range

If people around you can't accept you for who you are
and it seems that happiness is a far away star
Look inside yourself and somehow you will find
That bad attitude is the one that makes you fall behind


There are times that I reminisce about my past
About my family that did not last
From then I thought my life would come to an end
The notes of changes doesn't seem to make a good blend


Acceptance and Love is all you needed
To free your heart and mind from hatred
Belonging to a broken family is never a curse
Make the best choice and don't make your problem worse

Change is a part of our journey
Every little thing we experience has its own symphony
There are times that it's so confusing
and even in our dreams it's mind boggling

Life is like a book with lots of pages in it
There are tragic parts that make you want to quit
But we should continue reading and flipping those pages
And learn to accept and act according to the changes

Belita, Aubrey Rose R.
Bonono, Karla Mae B.
Brimon, Mae Ellen M.
Castro, Jessamine V.
Cruz, Maria Ana Pauline M.
Bernardo, Joseph Angelo I.
(Group 10)

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