Sunday, January 4, 2009

To Whose Memories With Are Treasured (free verse)

To Whose Memories With Are Treasured

Loving is befriending
So friendship needs love;
That's why i could not say
There's friendship between us...

There's no unconditional love
For loving hearts need a little attention;
Even now, i still love you
After all what I've done.

You acted like you're a friend,
You had fooled me when i believed
You're true and solid;
But that was just a dream afar.

You're so hollow but you look so clear,
You're the most impossible dream I'd thought of;
You're nothing but an image of a friend...
Yes, nothing but an image!

I tried to feel your laughter,
I tried to feel your pain,
I tried to feel what'd gone wrong;
But you didn't let me know.

And now, i tried to move on;
Going on with this life as a lonely daisy.
It's easier to gather friends from the Internet;
But i love to have a genuine friend...who's like you.

Still, you're irreplaceable
Still,you're incomparable, second to none!
The moments we shared together
Are treasures that'll never leave my mind.

I have my own path, you have yours,
The once same world is different now
But deep inside...i still appreciate the thing...
You've been my friend...though this is the end.

Julie Marie B.Dongon

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